Sunday, August 1, 2010

From Boring to Stunning!

Disposable paper products make for easy entertaining and clean up.
However, just because you use paper it doesn't mean that your table setting can't be festive.

Follow these tips to take your table FROM BORING TO STUNNING!

Paper products actually INSPIRE me when I am entertaining. I often start with a pattern or color scheme found on a paper plate, napkin, wrapping paper, stationery design or invitation. Rather than trying to find paper to match my theme, I start with paper - just as I start with fabric when decorating.

Decorating you table according to the event means having a lot of settings that you must store and purchase, which is not always feasible. On the other hand, everyone has a budget and storage space for paper products.

Next time you come accross a set of printed paper plates or napkins that you love,

Also, keep clear glass and/or clear plastic plates on hand. I found mine at Linens & Things.

(Tidbit: Most stores have mailing lists that will regularly send you coupons just by signing up on their website. I used my 20% off coupon. Bed, Bath & Beyond has similar plates and they take competitors coupons - even expired ones.)

The small salad or dessert plates are "objets trouvés" (translation: found objects) which are flea market or estate sale finds. These particular ones were given to me by a sweet girlfriend that embraces my love for pretty things! They have a sweet etched floral design.

Start with a charger and layer a patterned paper plate with clear glass plate on top.
The paper creates the mood, adding color and pattern.
The glass makes the surface sturdy and protects the paper products for use again.

In this photo I used a paper napkin and cut it into a decorative shape using a template that I created to add interest to my place setting. The same thing can be done using tissue paper and wrapping paper - other great sources of pattern & color.

While everyone else brings out their china for the holidays, I commonly use paper.
Tacky? Perhaps. But I also don't have to limit my invitation list to the number of place settings I own. Also, clean-up is a breeze - even when the guest count is huge. Isn't it great that we live in Arizona where at Thanksgiving we can cook the turkey outside on the grill and set up tables on the patio to accommodate everyone?

Here, I found inspiration with all things gold.
Paper napkin, paper plate with a plain gold border (hard to see in this photo but it actually is sitting on top of a glass charger with a clear glass dinner plate on top of it).
An elegant dinner party just waiting to happen!

Or make your party SUPER SIMPLE. Use plain white cocktail plates, a black tablecloth or place mat, and "Weekend Waterford" & "Weekend Linen" from A Fine Line for a totally whimsical and elegant look! A Fine Line also carries Caspari, my favorite line of paper napkins. Come in today to take a look and enjoy festive, casual entertaining.

PS - We are going to be adding a customer's corner to our blog. If you have great ideas that you'd like to share with our blog readers, please email us your photos and story.
Please note: We want to give your idea the attention it needs so we encourage you to send your ideas by email rather than sharing the with us while you shop or by telephone. Our email address is

PSS - Thanks to my daughter, Kara, an aspiring photographer for these photos. She just got her new camera yesterday and is already taking photos like a professional. I appreciate you!

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